Tokens of Love and Gratitude to Christ | Part 3
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Through Our Suffering, God Can Work Mightily

Poster for the Conference in Warsaw
The Lord answered our prayers for a spiritually fruitful conference in Warsaw, where I was blessed to address, in seven talks over three days, a gathering of pastors and church workers from all over Poland.
Here is the letter I wrote to Bill Eaton, the Chairman of our Elder Board at Camelback Bible Church, at the mid point of the conference.
Brother Bill,
I have just given my fifth talk, the last of the day, with two more to be given tomorrow (and then a sermon on Sunday in a church three hours away). Our prayers are being answered.
It’s hard to know where to begin. The Lord has been glorified. Jesus has become sweeter to all of us than we imagined he ever could. My translator broke down in tears at one point of my talk this evening, when I was speaking about how through our suffering God is prepared to work mightily in us, and we all waited several moments for him to regain himself, and before he did there were other audible sobs in the congregation.
These people are so hungry for Christ. They are so alone as true Christians. They say the 6,000 who filled

The Gospel Coalition national conference last month are more than the sum total of all evangelical Christians in Poland. They are so gripped by Christ’s love for them, and they want their countrymen to know his love more than they want anything else.
I am overwhelmed right now. I am amazed how the Lord uses the subject of power through weakness to draw hearts to devotion to Christ, to affection for Christ.
I’m having many personal talks after each message. People are not hesitant to approach me. They want more of Christ, can’t get enough. One man said that yesterday, a Catholic holiday in Poland, the only establishment open was the gas station, where the line to purchase water and food was an hour long. Tears came to his eyes when he admitted that he hadn’t been bold enough to talk to the people in the queue about new life in Christ. He wants the Lord to change his heart, and senses God ordained this conference to do so.

Excellent translation provided by Pawel
In my sleeping at nights, I am lost somewhere mid-Atlantic, and was awake at
1:30 am Polish time today, and never got back to sleep. Please pray for strength for a God-glorifying ending tomorrow morning, two talks.
Thank you so much for your prayers. God is answering.
Love in Christ,
Read more posts in the series:
- Tokens of Love and Gratitude to Christ | Part 1
- Tokens of Love | Part 2: History of Poland
- Tokens of Love | Part 4: Freedom in Jesus Christ
- Tokens of Love | Part 5: Poland’s Favorite Sons
- Tokens of Love | Part 6: Peace and Freedom
- Tokens of Love | Part 7: Assurance of Eternal Life
- Tokens of Love | Part 8: Exploring Krakow
- Tokens of Love | Part 9: From Artistry to Depravity
- Tokens of Love | Part 10: The World Slowly Being Transformed into a Wilderness
- Tokens of Love | Part 11: New Life in Christ
- Tokens of Love | Part 12: Reaching Gypsies
- Tokens of Love | Part 13: Grieving the Empty Seats
- Tokens of Love | Part 14: The Greatest Work of All
- Tokens of Love | Part 15: The Kingdom Plans of the Lord
- Tokens of Love | Part 16: Until We Dance at the Foot of God’s Throne
- Tokens of Love | Part 17: Fullness of Life
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