Tokens of Love and Gratitude to Christ | Part 14
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The Greatest Work of All
Half a world away, we are receiving a steady flow of updates from the family we love so much, my home church in Paradise Valley, Camelback Bible Church. So many good things are happening among us. We praise God for the youth retreat at Lake Powell. Pastor A. C. was thrilled by the number of students who attended the retreat and by the unity developing within the youth group, a unity centered on Jesus Christ and focused on reaching others for his name.

Family Night at Vacation Bible Camp 2015
Similarly, exciting reports poured out about this year’s VBC. With 245 children in attendance – the largest turn out in many years and evidence that we are reaching more of our community for Christ – and with over 100 volunteers giving up a week of their summer to serve the Lord by serving children, we praise God with full hearts.
Think of it — children trusting Christ for the first time at Camelback Bible Church this summer. Nothing could be more wonderful!
The summer preaching series on the gospel of Luke has been so very rich (I have been listening to the sermons through the Camelback Bible Church website), and the music has complimented the themes of each passage. New people are checking us out during the summer months, and we are keeping an eye out for them and welcoming them warmly. Or should I say, ‘welcoming them cooly?’ – giving them a refreshing blast of coolness as they walk through our doors and out of 110 degree temperatures!
As I have reported, our missionaries in Slovakia are doing Christ’s work diligently, prayerfully, and effectively.
On both sides of our beautiful earth, then, Camelback Bible Church is throwing itself – with full heart and energy – into the greatest work of all.
All glory to God!
Blessings in Christ!
- Tokens of Love and Gratitude to Christ | Part 1
- Tokens of Love | Part 2: History of Poland
- Tokens of Love | Part 3: Through Our Suffering, God Can Work Mightily
- Tokens of Love | Part 4: Freedom in Jesus Christ
- Tokens of Love | Part 5: Poland’s Favorite Sons
- Tokens of Love | Part 6: Peace and Freedom
- Tokens of Love | Part 7: Assurance of Eternal Life
- Tokens of Love | Part 8: Exploring Krakow
- Tokens of Love | Part 9: From Artistry to Depravity
- Tokens of Love | Part 10: The World Slowly Being Transformed into a Wilderness
- Tokens of Love | Part 11: New Life in Christ
- Tokens of Love | Part 12: Reaching Gypsies
- Tokens of Love | Part 13: Grieving the Empty Seats
- Tokens of Love | Part 15: The Kingdom Plans of the Lord
- Tokens of Love | Part 16: Until We Dance at the Foot of God’s Throne
- Tokens of Love | Part 17: Fullness of Life
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